Course Information
Thank you for choosing FlightSafety International as your provider for aviation training. We value your partnership.
Recently, the FAA clarified their guidance regarding completion of 61.58 proficiency checks conducted during a multi-day recurrent (simultaneous training/checking event with no stand-alone check) training course. In preparation for your pending reservation with us, we want to inform you of this new guidance.
The FAA considers the ground based oral and simulator sessions of a multi-day recurrent training course, a 61.58 PIC proficiency check. Therefore, the same training and proficiency limitations apply for the entire event as they would on a single, stand-alone checking event. If you are currently assigned to this type of event, it is presumed that you are proficient to all FAA ACS standards for all required events and thereby can perform to the standard on the first attempt. The FAA has further specified that FlightSafety is still allowed to suspend checking to retrain an event, and then check it during a subsequent session. However, we are now limited to two (2) retraining/rechecking instances per multi-day event.
In the event that any task included in the FAA ACS is not satisfactory during any point of the multi-day 61.58 proficiency check, retraining and rechecking will be provided. Per our FAA guidance, if more than two (2) instances require retraining and rechecking, then the entire 61.58 event will be recorded as an unsatisfactory proficiency check. This will then require that the client complete the remainder of the tasks in the recurrent training course to proficiency with the addition of a stand-alone check. Please note that this stand-alone check may result in an additional day on your existing reservation.
If you find that you would rather participate in recurrent training simulator sessions followed by a stand-alone check-ride, please let your FlightSafety Scheduling Specialist know as soon as possible. We will work to modify your existing reservation and accommodate your request.