FlightSafety International (FSI) delivers elite online aviation training solutions to help you improve safety and meet regulatory requirements.
Enjoy optimal flexibility and accessibility and engage your team with a powerful online experience from the world’s most trusted training provider, including real-time opportunities with world-class instructors.
Contact us today to set up your training.
From International Procedures, Human Factors/CRM, General Training and more, FlightSafety offers a wide range of courses to support the diverse training needs of every role in your department. Check out our Course Catalog and or sign-up today.
ALAR/CFIT Learn to protect yourself with FlightSafety’s Approach and Landing Accident Reduction and Controlled Flight Into Terrain (ALAR/CFIT) course. This course satisfies the requirements and recommendations for CFIT training worldwide, including Transport Canada CASS 724.115(32)(a)
COLD WEATHER OPERATIONS Cold Weather Operations provides flight department personnel with knowledge of the concepts, procedures, and guidelines that govern safe operations within a cold weather environment. This course references U.S., Transport Canada, and EASA guidance with regard to cold weather operations. This course also references pertinent ICAO recommendations. This course is compliant with Transport Canada CASS 724.115(6)(f,j), 724.115(18)(a-f), 724.115(26)(d), 724.115(26)(e)(i,ii), 724.115(33)(a-e), TP10643 and TP14052.
CORPORATE AVIATION SECURITY Although business aircraft travel can offer both security and efficiency, it remains a high-value target for criminal threat and international terrorism. Learn how to keep your aircraft, crew and passengers safe with FlightSafety’s Corporate Aviation Security course.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/DANGEROUS GOODS (WILL-NOT-CARRY) Students will become familiar with the fundamentals for recognizing Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT), as well as the regulations for will-not-carry operators. Students will explore the general philosophy and purpose of HAZMAT, the classifications, limitations and exceptions of certain hazardous materials, and much more.
EASA UPSET PREVENTION AND RECOVERY TRAINING With FlightSafety’s course, pilots will have the knowledge to understand why an UPSET occurs and how to minimize the risk of experiencing an UPSET. This course is the academic module designed to meet the EASA UPRT requirements as stipulated in: AMC2 ORA.ATO.125 Training programme, AMC1 ORO.FC.120&130 Operator conversion training and checking & recurrent training and checking, AMC1/2 ORO.FC.220&230 Operator conversion training and checking & recurrent training and checking
FATIGUE MANAGEMENT FlightSafety’s eLearning Fatigue Management course helps pilots, flight attendants, and maintenance technicians understand and manage fatigue, and is compliant with Transport Canada CASS 726.12(i) and Ops Spec 095. They will become familiar with the aspects of fatigue in flight operations to include identifying underlying causes and developing personal strategies to combat fatigue.
GENERAL EMERGENCY TRAINING When approved by the Operator’s POI, this training meets most theoretical training elements found in FAA 14 CFR Pt 135.331, IS-BAO: Section 5.3.1: Emergency and Safety Procedures Training, as well as Transport Canada CASS 724.115(24), 724.115(25)(a) and many other regulatory authority Emergency Procedures training requirements.
HIGH ALTITUDE TRAINING This FAA-approved course references FAA AC 61-107B (current revision) in compliance with the ground training portion of FAR 61.31(g) (i-ix). This course also complies with IS-BAO High Altitude Training section 5.4 and Oxygen Supply Requirements section 6.2.6 as well as Transport Canada’s CASS 724.115(24). This course does not cover the flight training portion covered in FAR 61.31(g)(2). This may be accomplished during pilot initial or recurrent training at a FlightSafety learning center or as part of a separate course designed for 61.31(g)(2).
HF/CRM GENERAL CONCEPTS FOR AVIATION PROFESSIONALS FlightSafety’s Human Factors/CRM General Concepts for Aviation Professionals familiarize learners with aspects of Crew Resource Management specifically relevant to Cabin Crew, Technicians and Ground Crew, Schedulers/Dispatchers, and Management.
HF/CRM GENERAL CONCEPTS FOR PILOTS FlightSafety’s Human Factors/CRM General Concepts for Pilots familiarizes learners with aspects of Crew Resource Management. This course is part of the academic module designed to meet the EASA requirements as stipulated in FCL.725 Requirements for the issue of class and type ratings, (d); and Type Specific OSD requirements where applicable.
INTERNATIONAL PROCEDURES eRECURRENT This course will re-familiarize the pilot with aspects of International Procedures per FAA Advisory Circular 91-70B; applicable sections of FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 4, Chapter 12; ICAO Annexes 1, 2, and 6; ICAO Documents 7030, 8168, 9613, 9869, and 10037 (GOLD Manual) along with contingency procedures from ICAO Document 4444. The course is compliant with Transport Canada CASS 724.115(25)(a), 724.115(35), 724.115(37)(a-d) and Transport Canada Ops Specs 611 and 614.
REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) In this course, the pilot will become familiar with the aspects of Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) to safely operate in that environment based on AC 91-85B and training requirements stipulated in EASA Annex V (Part-SPA) Subpart D: Operations in Airspace with Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM).This course is compliant with Transport Canada CASS 724.115(6) (k), 724.115(36)(a,b,d,e), 724.115(36)(c)(i-iv,vi).
SMS FOR AVIATION PROFESSIONALS FlightSafety International and the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) have co-developed this Safety Management Systems (SMS) course designed for flight department professionals at all levels of the organization. The course takes a scenario-based approach, using relatable real-life situations to introduce the learner to the fundamental concepts of Safety Management Systems and focuses on fostering a proactive, positive safety culture.
TSA SECURITY Section 132A of the ATSA created special regulations called the Twelve-Five Standard Security Program, or TFSSP. This section specifies security measures and requirements unique to scheduled and charter passenger and cargo operations traveling within, to and from, or outside the United States that use aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds. This course will fulfill the training requirements on TSA-specific security procedures for pilots who operate aircraft of 12,500 pounds or more.
WEATHER RADAR Pilots will identify sources of weather information, learn the controls for the weather radar system, describe and analyze the various types of weather and hazards, and identify the best courses of action to avoid hazardous weather.
SMS FOR AVIATION PROFESSIONALS Co-developed with the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), this two-and-a-half-hour-long, scenario-based eLearning course presents the fundamentals of Safety Management Systems for operational personnel. Designed to meet the SMS training requirements as specified in the ICAO and IS-BAO SMS standards, this course can also be taken in the Adaptive Recurrent format, where the course customizes itself to the individual learner’s needs.
SMS FOR MANAGERS Co-developed with the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), this three-and-a-half-hour-long* eLearning course is designed to give those tasked with developing and managing a Safety Management System the tools they need to be successful. This course also prepares you to identify and control safety-risks using industry-standard best practices.
ADVERSE WEATHER – MONSOON OPERATIONS This course covers various aspects of aircraft operations in adverse weather conditions, including Monsoon. Weather avoidance techniques, Aircraft operations specific to sever weather, CRM techniques to enhance level of safety
AIRCRAFT TYPE PILOT FAMILIARIZATION TRAINING FOR FLIGHT INSPECTORS AND OPERATION MANAGERS The objective of this course is to provide type-specific familiarization training aimed to a basic understanding of aircraft characteristics, system and performance, i.e. for personnel in charge of inspection or operation management without a need for a class or type rating. Available types include select Beechcraft, Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer, Gulfstream, Honda, Piaggio and Pilatus aircraft.
EASA UPSET PREVENTION AND RECOVERY TRAINING (PHASED OPTIONS AVAILABLE) With FlightSafety’s course, pilots will have the knowledge to understand why an UPSET occurs and how to minimize the risk of experiencing an UPSET. This course is the academic module designed to meet the EASA UPRT requirements as stipulated in: AMC2 ORA.ATO.125 Training programme, AMC1 ORO.FC.120&130 Operator conversion training and checking & recurrent training and checking, AMC1/2 ORO.FC.220&230 Operator conversion training and checking & recurrent training and checking
ELECTRONIC FLIGHT BAG This eLearning course helps pilots get the most efficiency and ease from their Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) by familiarizing them with EFB design, requirements, use, and more. This training meets the regulatory guidance specified in FAA Advisory Circulars 120-76, 91.21-1, 91-78 and 20-73, EASA Annex II AMC 20-25 ED 2014/001/R, and Transport Canada AC 700-020.
EMERGENCY VISION ASSURANCE SYSTEM (EVAS) After completing the eLearning ground school, pilots will know how to state the location, purpose and operation of the EVAS components, controls, and indicators, identify the required EVAS test procedures, list the steps involved in both normal and abnormal EVAS operations, explain the limitations of EVAS, describe how Crew Resource Management can influence the use of EVAS.
MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST With this course the pilot will become familiar with the aspects of utilizing a Minimum Equipment List (MEL), and acceptable methods for the operation of aircraft with certain inoperative instruments and equipment that are not required for safe operation. This course is compliant with Transport Canada TP 9155 Appendix S. Elements of FAA Advisory Circular 91-67 and IS-BAO 8.15 are included.
NIGHT VISION GOGGLES This course is FAA-Approved and co-developed by FlightSafety and Aviation Specialties Unlimited (ASU). This course meets the ground training requirements of §61.31(k)(1).
PART 135 INDOC LIBRARY FlightSafety’s online Part 135 Indoc Library is designed to replace the classroom component of Part 135 Indoctrination training, allowing operators additional flexibility in pilot scheduling against the time they need to be in classroom training. An interactive, scenario-based approach is used to help pilots gain a better understanding of the flight operation. And, with just a few required documents, we will customize the “Operation Specifications” and “Regulations, Policies, and Procedures” modules to your flight operation.
PRECISION RUNWAY MONITORING (PRM) With FlightSafety’s eLearning Precision Runway Monitoring Operations course, pilots will become familiar with the aspects of PRM approach procedures. This course is FAA approved and has met the requirements and contents of the FAA’s Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) Pilot Procedures presentation (PowerPoint). This course is compliant with Transport Canada Ops Spec 602.
RUNWAY ANALYSIS Runway Analysis evaluates the interaction of aircraft performance and runway/obstacle data. Your limiting weight for takeoff as well as landing may be determined by using your aircraft’s AFM (Aircraft Flight Manual) performance section, the particular characteristics of the runway in front of you, and an obstacle database.
RUNWAY SAFETY The Runway Safety eLearning course covers runway incursion prevention and the issues associated with runway safety and surface incidents. A review of definitions, trends, and actual events will be conducted to support this training. This course is compliant with Transport Canada Ops Spec 617(B-G,J).
TAWS Learn how the Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) is designed to help keep you safe with FlightSafety’s TAWS Course. Whether you need a refresher on your system’s capabilities or are seeing TAWS for the first time, this course will provide you with the knowledge needed to take full advantage of this lifesaving system. This course is compliant with Transport Canada CASS 724.115(32)(a)(i,iv,v).
TCAS FlightSafety’s eLearning TCAS/ACAS course provides flight department personnel with a comprehensive description of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems and Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems and the various features these systems incorporate to alert flight crews to possible conflicts with other traffic. This course covers Version 6.04, Version 7.0 and Version 7.1 software.
WARM WEATHER OPERATIONS In this course the pilot will gain a better understanding of meteorology and will be better equipped to make safety decisions during hail, lightning, high and low altitude turbulence, low level wind shear, strong surface crosswinds, and heavy rain. This course is compliant with Transport Canada CASS 724.115(6)(j).
CRM GENERAL CONCEPTS FOR AVIATION PROFESSIONALS CRM General Concepts for Aviation Professionals is an introduction to Crew Resource Management for the wider ‘crew’, the essential team of professionals whose dedication makes safety of flight possible. This two-and-a-half hour eLearning course traces the need for and development of CRM, introduces CRM concepts, and offers techniques that each member of the operations team can use to enhance safety.
CRM GENERAL CONCEPTS FOR PILOTS CRM General Concepts for Pilots is an introduction to Crew Resource Management for pilots. The two-and-a-half hour course introduces CRM concepts and then gives the client an opportunity to apply those concepts as they relate to a central storyline- your choices determine the success (or lack of) of a flight.
EASA CRM PHASED RECURRENT The EASA CRM Phased Recurrent is your online solution for meeting EASA’s annual CRM training requirements. Presented over the course of three years, each two-and-a-half-hour phase takes deeper look at different CRM subjects. More than a review, each phase offers practical techniques for meeting the human factors challenges one might encounter in flight.
FATIGUE MANAGEMENT Fatigue is a persistent problem in aviation. This two-and-a-half-hour eLearning course reviews the causes and effects of fatigue and presents effective techniques for limiting the impact of fatigue on safety. This course presents real-world situations encountered by pilots, mechanics, and flight attendants and invites you to apply your knowledge of fatigue-management techniques to maintain acceptable safety margins.
SINGLE PILOT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Pilots involved in single-pilot operations need CRM too- they just have a smaller crew. Single Pilot Resource Management presents resource management concepts and techniques optimized for the unique operating needs of the single-pilot operator.
TRANSPORT CANADA CRM PHASED RECURRENT The Transport Canada CRM Phased Recurrent is your online solution for meeting Transport Canada’s recurrent CRM training requirements. Presented over the course of two years, one two-and-a-half-hour phase and one four-and-a-half-hour phase take a deeper look at different CRM subjects. More than a review, each phase offers practical techniques for meeting the human factors challenges one might encounter in flight.
INTERNATIONAL PROCEDURES INITIAL This 2 day FAA-approved course meets all FAA training requirements for Letters of Authorization (LOAs)/Operation Specification (OPSPECs) for conducting operations in Special use Airspace. PBN, RVSM, NAT HLA are covered in-depth. Emphasis is placed on use of modern navigation and flight management systems and the use of commercial flight planning services.
INTERNATIONAL PROCEDURES RECURRENT This 8 hour Recurrent ground school course presents a comprehensive review of many of the subjects covered in the Initial but is tailored to flight crews that have completed an International Procedures.
REGIONAL MODULES Pilots will become familiar with the topics associated with flight operations within the various countries in the specific region via an eLearning module.
Experience world-class training from any location with web-based instructor-led LiveLearning®.
Contact us to learn more about our online courses to meet your training needs.
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